Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Vestments for Lent: IV
A priest from Trenton, New Jersey (USA) commissioned the Saint Bede Studio to prepare a Solemn Mass set for the season of Lent, comprising several chasubles and dalmatics. The principal chasuble was prepared in that style referred to as semi-conical: a modified cut of the ancient shape of the chasuble. The photograph above shews the particular way in which a conical or semi-conical chasuble folds up from the lower edge of the vestment when the arms are raised: a very beautiful effect.
These vestments were made from a Roman purple brocade, ornamented with another brocade in silver and black and outlined with a narrow galloon. To increase the sombre visual effect, a chevron in black silk was added to the chasuble.
One of the dalmatics is also shewn, ornamented more simply, but with the same scheme.
Enquiries: stbede62@gmail.com
Click on the images for an enlarged view.