Friday 3 May 2024

Paschaltide : 16


Festal vestments

In this post, we depict a stole and maniple from two similar sets of Festal vestments made by the Studio. The sets were ornamented with the same braid called Saint Marie, which is unique to the Studio.  A brass-gold taffeta was used to line these vestments.

The Saint Bede Studio takes particular care with the quality of the linings and fringes used for our vestments.  In this instance, a simple golden bullion fringe  complements the rich colour of the taffeta lining and picks up the colours of the Cross ornamenting the maniple and stole.

These vestments are not lavish; but there is much to be said for simple and noble vestments, particularly when they are thoughtfully designed and well-made.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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