Thursday 27 June 2024

The Season Per Annum : 6

Green Gothic vestments

The vestments in this post were made from an ecclesiastical brocade in colours of green upon black.  Fully-lined in crimson-red taffeta, the chasuble is ornamented with one of the Studio's unique braids, being a replica of a design by AWN Pugin.  The effect is rich and very striking, even though the ornamental scheme is quite simple.

The chasuble is in the Studio's Saint Giles style, which is the product of experiment and refinement of dimensions in order to produce a "Gothic" chasuble for easy use.

In this instance, the chasuble is worn with an apparel, forming a detachable collar upon the amice in the mediaeval style.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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