This is the first of a series of posts illustrating past projects of the Saint Bede Studio.
Adjacent is a collage of three precious mitres made for some noteworthy clients. On the left is a mitre made for the Archbishop of Adelaide, the Most Rev'd Philip Wilson. Ornament on this mitre was based on a design of AWN Pugin. In the middle is the mitre made for HH Pope Benedict for World Youth Day (Sydney) 2008. The ornament on this mitre was based on the famous mitre of S' Thomas Becket, housed at the Sens Cathedral. On the right, a simpler mitre, made for HE Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney.
The design of mitres is all too often underestimated or ignored in choosing vestments for a bishop. The use of headgear makes such a notable change to the appearance of a man, that sound consideration needs to be given to the design of a mitre. Mitres of the Saint Bede Studio are custom made. Particular attention is paid to the shape, height and decoration of its mitres in order to make them most appropriate for the wearer.