Father O'Mullane asked for a Maria Regina chasuble, which has been featured on this blog several times before. Having had two chasubles prepared, Father O'Mullane wrote about his experiences with the Saint Bede Studio:
Working with the Saint Bede Studio has been a truly edifying experience. I am so happy to have found someone in Michael who cares deeply about the Sacred Liturgy, has a discerning eye for beauty in vestments and vesture, and can work well with me to bring my ideas to fruition. Not only are these the finest vestments I have ever worn, they are the finest I have seen in person. The fabrics are top quality, and the workmanship is perfect down to the minutest details. I have thoroughly enjoyed this prayerful process, and I look forward to our next project!
Click on the image for an enlarged view.
Enquiries: stbede62@gmail.com