Wednesday, 29 May 2024

The Season "Per Annum" : 2


The Saint Bede Studio

Following Pentecost, the Season "Per Annum" has resumed.

In this post is depicted a section of a Gothic chasuble made from a lovely shade of green moiré taffeta and ornamented with the Studio's English Rose orphrey braid.  This braid is in the distinctive colours of green, red and white upon a black background.

This set of vestments is not elaborate, but is well-made and will be serviceable for many years.  There is much to be said in favour of vestments of simple dignity, eschewing the principle "too much is never enough."

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Sunday, 26 May 2024

The Most Holy Trinity

The Saint Bede StudioIt is truly fitting and just, right and profitable for our salvation, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Lord, holy Father, almighty, eternal God. With your only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, you are one God, one Lord, not in the singleness of one Person, but in a Trinity of one substance. For, whatever we believe through your revelation about your glory, the same also we believe about your Son and about the Holy Spirit, without distinction or difference. So that in acknowledging the true and eternal Godhead, we adore each individual person and, at the same time, their one substance and their equal majesty: which the Angels, the Archangels, the Cherubim and the Seraphim all praise, never ceasing to cry out with one voice:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of mighty hosts! The heavens and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Bless'd is he who comes in the Lord's name. Hosanna in the highest.

This is the translation of the Preface of the Most Holy Trinity prepared by the Saint Bede Studio for the Order of Mass published by Ignatius Press in 2008.  Copies of this Mass book may be purchased at this link.

The translation and illustration may not be reproduced without prior approval.


Saturday, 25 May 2024

Whitsuntide : 5


Red vestments

In this joyous Octave of Pentecost, we are pleased to present further images of a set of red vestments.  

The set was made from ecclesiastical brocade in a fiery combination of red and straw-gold and lined in a matching shade of red.  The vestments were ornamented in the Roman style, with a TAU at the front and a column at the back, formed from an outlining galloon.  

The chasuble is in the Studio's Saint Philip Neri style, which is the product of years of research into historical vestments and refinement of dimensions for comfortable use.  The Studio revived this more ample 16th century style of the Roman chasuble in 2007 and since then we have made many of them.  Beware of poorly-designed imitations!

The work of the Saint Bede Studio is distinctive for its artistic qualities and the pains taken with every detail, such as the alignment of ornaments.  Even a restrained set of vestments like this is striking for its combination of colours and fine workmanship.

The Saint Bede Studio

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Friday, 24 May 2024

The Help of Christians

On this lovely feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Help of Christians, we are pleased to describe this Marian chasuble which we call Ave Maris Stella,  being in the Gothic Revival style.

The decorative focus of this vestment is an orphrey braid which is based on the work of AWN Pugin.  This braid is produced in two shades of blue (lighter and darker) with figured ornament in gold.

These vestments were made from an ecclesiastical damask in the shade of ivory and lined in a Royal Blue taffeta.

The Saint Bede Studio

Click on the image for an enlarged view. 

Marian vestments

The Saint Bede Studio

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Thursday, 23 May 2024

Whitsuntide : 4


Saint Philip Neri

In this joyous Octave of Pentecost, we are pleased to present this image of a set of red vestments.  

The set was made from ecclesiastical brocade in a fiery combination of red and straw-gold and lined in a matching shade of red.  The vestments were ornamented in the Roman style, with a TAU at the front and a column at the back, formed from an outlining galloon.  

The chasuble is in the Studio's Saint Philip Neri style, which is the product of years of research into historical vestments and refinement of dimensions for comfortable use.  The Studio revived this more ample 16th century style of the Roman chasuble in 2007 and since then we have made many of them.  Beware of poorly-designed imitations!

The work of the Saint Bede Studio is distinctive for its artistic qualities and the pains taken with every detail, such as the alignment of ornaments.  Even a restrained set of vestments like this is striking for its combination of colours and fine workmanship.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Whitsuntide : 3


Red Gothic vestments

In this blessed Octave of Pentecost, we are pleased to present this image of a set of Gothic Revival vestments.  

The set was made from dupion silk in a fiery-red and lined in a very muted shade of gold.  The vestments were ornamented with a geometric braid unique to the Saint Bede Studio, which we call Salisbury.  It is based on an old design and is woven in the colours of red, burgundy and straw-gold.

The work of the Saint Bede Studio is distinctive for its artistic qualities and the pains taken with every detail, such as the alignment of ornaments.  Even a simple vestment like this is striking for its combination of colours and fine workmanship.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Whitsuntide : 2


Red vestments

In this Octave of Pentecost, we have the pleasure of presenting some posts of the Studio's red vestments.

In this post is shewn the accessories of set of red vestments in the Gothic Revival style.  The vestments are decorated with one of the Studio's braids Saint Chad in colours of straw-gold, green and red.  This braid - unique to the Saint Bede Studio - is based on a design of AWN Pugin.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Sunday, 19 May 2024

Whitsuntide : 1


Red vestments

On this happy Feast of Pentecost, we are pleased to present this image of a set of vestments made last year for an American Ordinand.  

The set was made from an ecclesiastical brocade in a crimson red and lined in a very muted shade of gold.  

The work of the Saint Bede Studio is distinctive for its artistic qualities, taking pains with every detail, such as the alignment of ornaments.  In this instance, a European brocade in the colours of rosy-red and straw gold was used as the basis for the ornament, outlined in a geometric galloon in a richer shade of gold with bold red Crosses. 

The Saint Bede Studio

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Monday, 13 May 2024

Paschaltide : 20


The Saint Bede Studio

As this Holy Season of Easter draws to a close, we have just a couple of further posts of the Studio's offerings of Festal vestments.

In this post is shewn a section of a simple chasuble made from white moiré taffeta and ornamented with a column at the front and the back.  The columns are decorated with one of the Studio's braids Saint Edmund in colours of straw-gold, green and yellow.  This braid, which features the IHS monogram, is based on a design of AWN Pugin.

This set of vestments is in the style we have called Saint Anselm; it is not elaborate, but neither is it just thrown-together.  It is well-designed and of dignified appearance.  Note that the column is made from a straw-coloured dupion silk, which complements the colour of the braid.  We also find that the column is not of exaggerated width, but of substantial appearance.  The shape of the neckline, coming to a shallow "V" at the front, but rounded at the back is elegant but sturdy and lacking the awful fold over collars which are all-too-frequently attached to chasubles.

There is much to be said for vestments of simple dignity.  These vestments are well-made and will be serviceable for a number of years if treated respectfully.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Friday, 10 May 2024

Paschaltide : 19


Festal vestments

In this post, we show a glimpse of a set of vibrant festal vestments made by the Studio.  A golden brocade was ornamented with the orphrey braid called Saint Chad, which is unique to the Studio and based on the designs of AWN Pugin.  A crimson taffeta was used to line these vestments.

The Saint Bede Studio takes particular care with the quality of the linings and fringes used for our vestments.  In this instance, a bullion fringe in red and gold complements the rich colour of the taffeta lining and picks up the colours of the braid ornamenting the maniple and stole.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Paschaltide : 18

The Saint Bede Studio

In this Holy Easter Season, we are pleased to continue our series of posts illustrating festal vestments.

For this post, we present a set of vestments made from an ivory brocade and fully-lined in a shade of gold silk.  The chasuble in this post is ornamented in the well-known Roman style, a TAU at the front and a column at the back.  This ornament is formed from a magnificent silk damask, featuring doves, and which is outlined with a golden galloon. 

The chasuble is in the Studio's Saint Philip Neri style, which is the product of years of research into historical vestments and refinement of dimensions for comfortable use.  The Studio revived this more ample 16th century style of the Roman chasuble in 2007 and since then we have made many of them.  Beware of poorly-made imitations!

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

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Sunday, 5 May 2024

Paschaltide : 17

Festal Vestments

In this Holy Easter Season, we are pleased to continue with our series of festal vestments.

The chasuble in this post was made from a damask in the colours of ivory and straw-gold.  Fully-lined in a shade of dark red cloth, the chasuble is ornamented with a brocade in colours of old gold and burgundy.  A galloon of straw-gold outlines the TAU ornament at the front of the chasuble and the column at the back. 

The chasuble is in the Studio's Borromeon style, which is the product of years of research into historical vestments and refinement of dimensions for comfortable use.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

Enquiries :

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Friday, 3 May 2024

Paschaltide : 16


Festal vestments

In this post, we depict a stole and maniple from two similar sets of Festal vestments made by the Studio. The sets were ornamented with the same braid called Saint Marie, which is unique to the Studio.  A brass-gold taffeta was used to line these vestments.

The Saint Bede Studio takes particular care with the quality of the linings and fringes used for our vestments.  In this instance, a simple golden bullion fringe  complements the rich colour of the taffeta lining and picks up the colours of the Cross ornamenting the maniple and stole.

These vestments are not lavish; but there is much to be said for simple and noble vestments, particularly when they are thoughtfully designed and well-made.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

Enquiries :

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