This lighter-weight chasuble is cut to a Puginesque or Gothic Revival shape and would be suitable for a priest in the height range of 5'8" to 5'11".
The vestments are made from dupion silk, handmade in India. The chasuble is unlined, but has a facing on the underside of the neckline to give a neat and substantial finish to the opening.
These vestments are in a beautiful, heraldic shade of green, being neither too light nor too dark. The ornament is formed from an orphrey braid exclusive to the Saint Bede Studio and based directly on the work of AWN Pugin. The colours of the braid are red, blue and gold.
Offered with this set of vestments is a chalice veil and stole (both fully lined) at no additional cost.
These vestments may be purchased via PayPal for the sum of AUD650.oo (not including shipping fees).
Enquiries :
Type into the subject field "Green Vestments for Sale"