Thursday 2 November 2017

All Souls' Day 2017

Borromeon vestments
For the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, we are pleased to present this post about a set of Requiem Mass vestments, recently completed by the Studio for a young priest of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska (USA).

These vestments are made from a black ecclesiastical brocade and ornamented with narrow galloons and a brocade of black and straw colours, which depicts in its design the Crucifixion.  The Studio has made vestments similar to this previously.

Please click on the image for an enlarged view.

Our customer kindly wrote this appreciation and reflection about the vestments, which are being used for the first time today.

Thank you for all the hard work you put into searching for the fabrics and adornments.  This vestment, in its dignity and grandeur, is a testimony to his Mercy and those experiencing it presently in the purifying state of Purgatory.
The very existence of the Holy Souls demonstrates the insurmountable mercy of our Saviour.  That He continually gives us these opportunities to turn towards him and grow closer to him, even after death, is a testimony of His Supreme Love for humanity.

My childhood pastor always wore black for all the ferial days during the month of November, and always celebrated Masses for the dead on those particular days. He had a deep devotion to the Holy Souls and so he made a point of instilling that devotion into his parishioners.  So, wearing black vestments was the normal thing and the idea/duty of praying for the Poor Souls was just a part of our parish culture, impressed upon me from an early age. He was my pastor for 21 years of my life. So in a real sense, this vestment is a testimony to the example that one priest can make on an individual’s spiritual life.

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