Saturday, 29 September 2018

For the Season "Per Annum" 2018 : 3

Green vestments
In this post we present a chasuble recently completed for a priest of the Diocese of Syracuse (USA).  Our customer had particular ideas about the appearance of the vestments, which have been made in the Studio's Saint Martin style.

The usual palette of green fabrics is replaced here with a very light green damask with a lining of a lighter olive green.  The ornament is formed from a braid of moiré taffeta, outlined with narrow galloons.  Upon the orphreys, medallions have been applied to enhance the ornamental effect.

Please click on the image for an enlarged view

Enquiries :

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Enquiries with the Studio

Each day, the Studio receives a significant number of e-mail enquiries about vestments and related matters. It is not possible for these messages to receive immediate attention.

In this age, we are accustomed to instantaneous responses to e-mails, tweets, Facebook posts etc. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this ethos is not entirely embraced by The Saint Bede Studio.

We try to answer messages within 7 - 10 days.

If you do not receive a reply, then either your message has not been received or else gives the impression of being a "hoax" enquiry and is deleted.  If in doubt, please write to us again.

It would be most helpful if, when contacting us, you could indicate your Parish / Diocese and whether you are a Catholic priest or seminarian. The work of the Studio is confined to customers who are in full communion with the See of Peter.  Messages which gives no details of the name of the sender are, generally, not responded to.

Your Christian patience is greatly appreciated.

Please note :  Messages sent to the e-mail address should automatically be re-directed to our principal e-mail address (see below).  It is better, however, that all enquiries are directed to the address below, which is advertised on the Studio Blog and website :

Enquiries :

Thursday, 20 September 2018

For the Season "Per Annum" 2018 : 2

The Studio recently completed this set of green vestments (shewn in the adjacent image) which forms part of a benefaction to the Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury, Lewisham (Archdiocese of Sydney).  This historic church has recently undergone a comprehensive restoration and refurbishment, for which the Saint Bede Studio was a consultant.

These attractive vestments were made from a lovely ecclesiastical brocade in deep green and were lined in a  Emerald green-coloured taffeta. The chasuble is in the Studio's Saint Giles style, being a contemporary refinement of the Gothic Revival style. The ornament is formed from one of the braids designed by the Studio, in colours of green, gold and white upon red.

The vestments were worn for the first time at the re-hallowing of Saint Thomas' church by the Most Rev'd Dr Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney, on Sunday 22nd July.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

The Saint Bede Studio
View of the High Altar of the Church of Saint Thomas
of Canterbury, Lewisham (Australia).
Ornamental work on the sanctuary wall was designed by
The Saint Bede Studio as part of the restoration works
on the church.

Image : The Saint Bede Studio.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

For the Feast of the Holy Cross

The Saint Bede StudioRecently, the Studio completed a set of vestments for an Australian priest, resident in Victoria, a returning customer

Our customer commissioned vestments in the Saint Philip Neri style, to be used on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 

The chasuble (shewn adjacent) was made from wine-red silk dupion and was ornamented in the Roman style with a brocade and narrow galloons in the colours of burgundy and gold. The vestments were lined in a copper-coloured taffeta.

Please click on the image for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

Saturday, 8 September 2018

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Maria Regina
On this Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, we are pleased to present this set of vestments, recently completed for a priest of the Archdiocese of Denver (USA).

This is the Studio's now-familiar Maria Regina vestments, made in the Gothic Revival style using braids designed by the Studio.  The ground fabric is an English ecclesiastical damask, being lined in Royal Blue taffeta.

A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin
Being a collect from "Divine Worship", the Missal for the Ordinariates of the English Use.

Almighty and everlasting God, who stooped to raise fallen humanity through the child-bearing of Blessed Mary : grant that we, who have seen your glory revealed in our human nature and your love made perfect in our weakness, may daily be renewed in your image and, through her constant intercession, conformed to the pattern of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.