Wednesday 26 September 2018

Enquiries with the Studio

Each day, the Studio receives a significant number of e-mail enquiries about vestments and related matters. It is not possible for these messages to receive immediate attention.

In this age, we are accustomed to instantaneous responses to e-mails, tweets, Facebook posts etc. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this ethos is not entirely embraced by The Saint Bede Studio.

We try to answer messages within 7 - 10 days.

If you do not receive a reply, then either your message has not been received or else gives the impression of being a "hoax" enquiry and is deleted.  If in doubt, please write to us again.

It would be most helpful if, when contacting us, you could indicate your Parish / Diocese and whether you are a Catholic priest or seminarian. The work of the Studio is confined to customers who are in full communion with the See of Peter.  Messages which gives no details of the name of the sender are, generally, not responded to.

Your Christian patience is greatly appreciated.

Please note :  Messages sent to the e-mail address should automatically be re-directed to our principal e-mail address (see below).  It is better, however, that all enquiries are directed to the address below, which is advertised on the Studio Blog and website :

Enquiries :