In its day-to-day work, the Studio has also noticed the effects of the Church’s tribulations both by the decline in new orders received over the last year, and by the daily interactions between us and our customers. Confidence is shaken.
The vestments made by the Studio are - we hope - distinctive and beautiful. But they are also made to last (provided they are well cared for) a very long time ... even decades. Consequently they may be seen as a form of long-term asset. The cost of living and the cost of fabrics determine our prices; if we charged less for our vestments, we could not afford to continue in business. It is as simple as that. But we try to ensure that our prices are on a par with other prominent vestment-makers and, wherever it is possible, we offer a discount.
One customer wrote to us recently :
Your vestments are not inexpensive, but they do represent good value for money.
What may not be known to readers is that this phenomenon is affecting Ecclesiastical suppliers, liturgical artists and artisans worldwide. Most everyone seems to be "doing it tough". The entire craft of Catholic liturgical arts is in trouble at present and there is little money to be made in making vestments.
The work of the Saint Bede Studio is not just the sewing of finer-quality vestments. Even a basic set of vestments is to us a minor work of liturgical art. Much consideration goes into the design and making of our vestments and no two are ever quite the same. Other businesses have available vestments “off-the-rack”, in online stores; but we do not. There are several reasons for this, but perhaps the most important to us is that we have thought it best to make vestments for those in Communion with the Roman Church. Our vestments are for Catholic priests and they are made by Catholics, in an environment which is modest, hard-working, dedicated and prayerful.
Another aspect of the Studio’s work is our ongoing research into the history of the Church generally, but in particular, the history of the Sacred Liturgy, vestments and paraments and ecclesiastical architecture. This research, which we have undertaken over a period of almost forty years, informs all our liturgical art. This scholarship distinguishes the Saint Bede Studio from those businesses which simply supply vestments. The results of our research will frequently be found in articles on the three blogs which we maintain, intended to be simple presentations to inform our readers.
Reading over this post, we ask you to give some consideration to supporting our work for God by placing a commission for vestments with us. We express our heartfelt thanks to loyal customers who have continued to support the Studio in difficult times. Please pray for God’s continued Blessing of our endeavours.
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