These unique braids are designed by the Studio and only used in conjunction with our vestments. They are not commercially available, nor available to any other vestment makers and are reserved under international copyright. *
The braids shewn in the adjacent image are used for orphreys in both the Gothic and Roman styles of vestments designed and made by the Studio.
A key to the illustrated braids :
- Maria Regina
- English Rose
- Saint Columba
- Chi Rho
- Saint James
- Stella
- Saint Marie
- Saint Austin
- Welbye
- Saint George
- Saint Edmund (green/red)
- Salisbury
- Saint Edmund (silver/red)
- Saint Chad (green/red)
- Saint Giles
- Rosa Antiqua
- Lux Aeterna
- Saint Dunstan
- Saint Chad (blue/red).
Click on the image for an enlarged view.
Enquiries :
* This measure has been necessary because of an unpleasant experience in which a manufacturer misappropriated one of the Studio's unique designs and then sold it for his own commercial gain.