The Studio recently provided this simple set of Rose vestments to a returning customer, a young priest from England.
This vestment is made from a dusty shade of rose fabric and is ornamented with a column, front and back. The ornament is formed from silver dupion silk and one of the Studio's unique braids
Saint Edmund (based on a design of AWN Pugin).
The chasuble is unlined, but is faced at the neckline, helping it to sit well and not crumple. The chasuble is lightweight, has a slight sheen, has good drapery and is comfortable to wear.
Also provided is an
amice apparel, shewn in one of the images, which may be worn, or not, according to the preference of the celebrant.

This chasuble is part of a new range of economy vestments, which will be offered for sale by the Studio during 2020. Simple chasubles with Y-orphreys will also be available.
A similar set of vestments in violet for purchase is advertised at
this page.
Enquiries :
Click on the images for an enlarged view.