It employs two shades of blue, one a sea blue, which is the base colour, the other Royal Blue and upon these two colours, the ornamental design is figured in (non-metallic) gold and in ivory.
Within a Royal blue monogram is a stylised design of the fleur de lis, surmounted by a golden crown. Separating these monograms is a bar of inscription with the Latin words SALVE and REGINA (Hail, O Queen).
This new braid is formed from elements of a Marian braid by the Gothic designer AWN Pugin. No matter whether you shop in Poland, India, England or America, you will not find another braid like Salve Regina. It is just one of the Saint Bede Studio's unique braids, designed by the writer of this blog and made exclusively for the Studio's use.
Click on the image for an enlarged view.