It is truly fitting and just, right and profitable for our salvation, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Lord, holy Father, almighty, eternal God, through Christ our Lord, who, having set aside the empty signs of animal victims, commemorated his Body and Blood for us in sacrifice, in order that the pure oblation, which alone was acceptable to you, may be offered to your name in every place. Therefore, in the mystery of his unsearchable wisdom and unbounded love, that which once he accomplished completely on the Cross, he does not cease miraculously to produce, he himself offering it and he himself the Offering. And, having become a single offering with him, he invites us to the sacred banquet in which he himself is received as food, in which the memory of his Passion is recalled, the soul filled with grace, and a foretaste of the future is to us given. And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and Dominations, and all the strength of the heavenly host, we sing without ceasing this hymn to your glory:
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of mighty hosts! The heavens and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Bless'd is he who comes in the Lord's name. Hosanna in the highest.
This is the translation of the Preface of the Blessed Sacrament prepared by the Saint Bede Studio for the Order of Mass published by Ignatius Press. Some editions of the 1962 Missal included this preface, before it was incorporated in editions of the Missal produced between 1964-1969. It was not included in the 1970 Missale Romanum.
The translation and illustration may not be reproduced without prior approval.