Thursday, 31 December 2020



This lovely drawing by the English artist Eric Gill depicts an Angel visiting the Child Jesus and his Mother, Mary.  Mary is sitting knitting.  Around the perimeter is written (in Latin) "Let all things praise God, who created (them)."

The ingenious part of this drawing is that by enclosing the figures within a circle, Gill also depicts the planet Earth, with its masses of land and oceans.  The Mother and Child are in the world, yet all things are under their care.  The angels watch over us.

May the Christ-child and his Blessed Mother bring peace and health in mind and body to our troubled world.

The Saint Bede Studio wishes all its customers and readers every Blessing in 2021.

Sunday, 27 December 2020

In Christmastide : 3

In this post, we exhibit one of our " economy " vestments made earlier this year for one of customers in the United States.  This style is called Saint Anselm.  

The chasuble is made from moiré taffeta and is unlined, but well-faced around the neckline to make it sit well.  The ornament, in the manner of a column, front and back, is formed from one of the Studio's unique braids Saint Edmund, based on the work of AWN Pugin.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

Enquiries : This page.

Saturday, 26 December 2020

In Christmastide : 2

May the birth of the Holy Child of Bethlehem place into perspective all the sorrows, disappointments and angst of our Earthly life in the year 2020 and remind us that here we have no enduring city, but await His second coming in Glory.

Friday, 25 December 2020

In this Holy Season 2020

To all friends, customers and readers of this Blog, sincere wishes for a Blessed Christmas.

Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill be made low; the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places, plain; and the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
Isaiah 40:4-5.

Michael Sternbeck
The Saint Bede Studio
December 2020

Thursday, 24 December 2020


O come, thou Daystar seen on high.

With healing for our hearts draw nigh;

Do thou the mists of night dispel,

And death's foreboding darkness, quell.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Friday, 18 December 2020

Priestly Ordinations 2019 : 10

For a young American priest, who was ordained in 2019, the Saint Bede Studio completed this set of violet vestments in the Gothic Revival style.

The vestments were made from a beautiful ecclesiastical brocade, woven in the United Kingdom.  Lined in a beautiful shade of crimson taffeta, the vestments were ornamented with one of the Studio's unique braids.  This braid Saint George is derived from  design elements of the opus of AWN Pugin.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries : This page.

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Gaudete Sunday 2020

The Studio recently provided this simple set of Rose vestments to a young priest from the Archdiocese of Sydney (Australia).

This vestment is made from a dusty shade of rose fabric and is ornamented with a column, front and back.  The ornament is formed from silver dupion silk and one of the Studio's unique braids Saint Edmund (based on a design of AWN Pugin).

The chasuble is unlined, but is faced at the neckline, helping it to sit well and not crumple.   The chasuble is lightweight, has a slight sheen, has good drapery and is comfortable to wear.

This chasuble is part of a range of economy vestments, which we call our Saint Anselm style.

A similar set of vestments in violet for purchase is advertised at this page.

Enquiries :

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Advent at the Church of S' Birinus (UK)

The beautiful Church of S' Birinus in Oxfordshire was one of the early works of the Gothic Revival architect William Wardell, whose later career in Australia produce such masterpieces as the Cathedral of Saint Mary, Help of Christians in Sydney and the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Melbourne.

S' Birinus, however, is a church on a very small scale, but with its every detail faithful to Mediaeval architectural and decorative styles.  Its chancel is exquisitely decorated with polychrome work and gilding.

The Parish has a YouTube site and Holy Mass is regularly videocast from the church, assisted by a small but splendid choir. 

This link is to Mass offered on the First Sunday of Advent.  The celebrant is wearing a semi-conical chasuble in Sarum blue made some years ago by the Saint Bede Studio.

A screen capture from a video of Holy Mass 
celebrated at the Church of S' Birinus, Oxfordshire UK.