Monday, 3 March 2025

Red vestments in the Borromeon style

Red vestments
In this post, we are pleased to present a glimpse of a set of red vestments, in the Borromeon style.

This set is constructed from ecclesiastical brocade in a beautiful shade of crimson red and is lined in a coppery shade of taffeta. 

The ornament was formed from one of the Studio's unique braids in colours of Old Gold and burgundy, with a hint of white, upon red.  It features knot-work, rather than our usual mediaeval style.  We called the braid Saint Columba. It can be used with any of the liturgical colours, excepting rose. 

The orphrey is outlined with another knot-work narrow galloon in the same colours.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics. 

Click on the images for an enlarged view. 

The Saint Bede Studio

The vestments of the Saint Bede Studio are beautiful in design, sound in construction and distinctive in appearance.


Information on placing an order.

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