For a too-brief period, a new Master of Papal Ceremonies, Monsignor
Guido Marini, introduced into the Papal suite chasubles in the
Borromeon form (often written about on this Blog).

In this post, we will look at a set of green vestments which was used by Pope Benedict for the first time on a Visit to Brindisi (Italy) in 2008. A mitre used on that occasion has also regularly been used with these green vestments in the years following.
These vestments, although quite clearly in the Borromeon form, are unusual in the appearance of the fabric. This fabric is not actually green, but a straw colour upon which are medallion designs in green. From a distance, the fabric appears to be green. There is a hint of the Byzantine in this design. A very simple orphrey, sparingly enriched with precious stones, ornaments the front of the chasuble, but the rear of the chasuble is perfectly plain, except for the Papal coat of arms at the lower edge.
At the Basilica of S' Paul-without-the-Walls, October 2008. |