Sunday 26 July 2015

Priestly Ordinations 2015 : 7

Saint Philip Neri
Each year, the Saint Bede Studio has the privilege of preparing sacred vestments for priestly Ordinands. Happily, this year has been no exception.

This post concerns Father William Slattery of the Diocese of Fargo (USA), who was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in the Cathedral Church of Saint Mary, Fargo (North Dakota) on 27th June along with another candidate. Father Slattery had been a student of the Pontifical North American College.

Father Slattery commissioned vestments from the Studio in the Saint Philip Neri style. The vestments (shewn adjacent), were sewn from a shade of ivory silk damask and were ornamented with a simple orphrey in colours of ivory and gold, arranged in the Roman style.  The vestments were lined in a muted shade of yellow taffeta.

Please pray for Father Slattery and for all newly-ordained priests.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

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The Bishop of Fargo at the laying-on of hands
during the Ordination Mass of
Father William Slattery.
Image : Tyson Kuznia/Legacy Photography

Sunday 19 July 2015

New Designs

The Saint Bede Studio continually strives to prepare new designs to offer its customers, inspired by Tradition, but not a slave to it. We receive many enquiries for vestments in the Borromeon style, but in some instances we attempt to create something which is as much contemporary as traditional.

The ornamentation of the vestment featured in this post is an example. A new braid, designed by the Studio and made exclusively for our customers, was used to ornament this chasuble of silk damask, lined in a pale yellow taffeta. This braid is named Saint Columba. Geometry is used to create diamond shapes, linked together with simple knotwork. This braid was inspired by Celtic and Cosmati ornamental schemes. This version of the braid is red, with ornament in burgundy and gold.

The vestment described in this post was commissioned together with a number of other vestments for a Monastic Community in Brazil.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.


Thursday 16 July 2015

Further Borromeon Vestments

Borromeon chasuble
The Saint Bede Studio recently completed a set of red vestments for a young American priest. These vestments are in the Borromeon form and are made from silk damask. The chasuble is ornamented in a damask of burgundy and gold, outlined with narrow galloons in the Roman style. It is lined in a flame-coloured taffeta.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

Thursday 9 July 2015

Priestly Ordinations 2015 : 6

Each year, the Saint Bede Studio has the privilege of preparing sacred vestments for priestly Ordinands. Happily, this year has been no exception.

This post concerns Father Matthew Kiehl of the Diocese of Richmond (USA), who was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in the Cathedral Church of the Sacred Heart, Richmond (Virginia) on 6th June along with two other candidates.

Father Kiehl commissioned vestments from the Studio in a stylised Gothic form. The vestments (shewn adjacent), were sewn from a silk damask in a muted shade of gold and were ornamented with an orphrey in red and gold : a unique design of the Saint Bede Studio.  The vestments were lined in red taffeta.

Please pray for Father Kiehl and for all newly-ordained priests.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

Father Kiehl, centre, with other ordinands
after their Vesting during the Rite of Ordination.
Image :

Saturday 4 July 2015

Priestly Ordinations 2015 : 5

Pugin vestments
One of the two dalmatics.
Each year, the Saint Bede Studio has the privilege of preparing sacred vestments for priestly Ordinands. Happily, this year has been no exception.

This post concerns Father Richard Miserendino of the Diocese of Arlington (USA), who was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in the Cathedral Church of Saint Thomas More, Arlington (Virginia) on 6th June along with six other candidates.

Father Miserendino commissioned vestments from the Studio in the Saint Austin style, with matching dalmatics. The vestments (shewn adjacent), were sewn from an ivory-coloured ecclesiastical brocade and were ornamented with an orphrey in red, gold, blue and white : a unique design of the Saint Bede Studio, based on early mediaeval ornament. The vestments were lined in straw-gold taffeta.

Please pray for Father Miserendino and for all newly-ordained priests.

Chasuble of Father Miserendino.

Father Miserendino offering his First Holy Mass.
Image supplied by Father Miserendino.

Father Miserendino making his Promise of Obedience to his
Bishop, Monsignor Paul Loverde DD.
Image: Picasaweb/arlingtonvocations.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

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