Wednesday 29 June 2022

Priestly Ordinations 2022 : 1

The Saint Bede Studio
On this Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul, we are pleased to describe a set of vestments in the Saint Bede Studio's Saint Benet style, which was commissioned by an ordinand from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (USA).

The Saint Benet style of chasuble is based upon that shape of chasuble revived by AWN Pugin in the 1840s.

These Gothic Revival vestments were made from an ecclesiastical brocade in a rich shade of red, and ornamented with the Studio's unique braids.  The braid illustrated is called Saint Giles. The lining of these vestments was formed from a golden shade of taffeta.

Please pray for all newly-ordained priests.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries : This page.

Red Gothic vestments

The Saint Bede Studio

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Did you receive your copy?

The Studio Newsletter was circulated to e-mail addresses of customers past and present on 11th May. 

If you usually receive the Newsletter, but did not, I suspect it entered your Spam / Junk files and never escaped.

The Newsletter is written and typeset entirely by the Saint Bede Studio.  Its images are also produced by the Studio.

A great deal of work went into preparing it, which we hope will be appreciated sufficiently by recipients to at least give it a glance.

But we hope that readers will also pass it on to interested confreres.

Address :


Sunday 26 June 2022

Festal Vestments in the Borromeon style

Presented in this post is lovely festal chasuble in the style often referred to as Borromeon. Such chasubles extend beyond the knee in length, and beyond the elbows in width.  The Borromeon chasuble is made by the Saint Bede Studio in a variety of fabric qualities, in all the Liturgical colours and is fully-lined.

The ornamentation of these vestments is arranged in the Roman style, being a Tau ornament in the front and a column at the back. This particular set of vestments was made for a customer in the Sydney, Australia.  They were made from a brocade of pure silk in a muted shade of gold.   One of the Studio's unique braids in colours of red, burgundy and old gold was used to ornament the vestments, outlined in the Roman manner with a braid straw-gold in colour.  The lining was of rust-red taffeta.

Also shewn in these images is one of the kinds of fringes used to ornament our stoles and maniples.  These are obtained from a variety of sources and carefully complement the colour scheme of the vestments.

Please click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

Saturday 18 June 2022

The Saint Bede Studio blog

Each day, the Saint Bede Studio is fortunate to receive enquiries from those seeking vestments from many parts of the world and often the first response is to direct the enquirer to the Studio Blog.  The Blog has been designed to be as comprehensive as possible, within its limits.  It has been set up for viewing via a computer screen, tablet (or equivalent), but is not best navigated via a smartphone.

Frequently we are asked if the Studio has a catalogue.  The answer is here .

In the right-hand column (or sidebar) of each page of the Blog are helpful links for visitors.  Some of these are links to important pages detailing Studio policies, how to place an order &c.

Below that are links with images to pages describing the styles of vestments which are frequently enquired about.

After that is a list of links; mostly these refer to posts about vestments in the various liturgical colours and our styles.  These are a good guide to the range of materials and ornaments we use for our vestments and the best substitute for a catalogue we can offer.

The Studio quite deliberately does not have an online store because it is our policy to supply our vestments only to those in Communion (broadly speaking) with the See of Peter.  We cannot ensure this if purchases are made online.  Although this does limit our business, we feel that this is the best approach to our work.

Thursday 16 June 2022

A Notice to our American Customers

A special note to American customers of the Saint Bede Studio.

At present the Australian dollar's value has decreased against the value of the American dollar.  This means that a commission with the Studio from American customers is less expensive than it was over the last year.  This trend is likely to continue for some months.

Please keep this in mind if you are considering placing an order for vestments with the Studio.

Check the value of the respective dollars here.

Enquiries : 

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Saint Anselm Vestments

Festal vestments

Recently presented to a priest of the Archdiocese of Melbourne is this chasuble in the Saint Bede Studio's Saint Anselm style.

This style of chasuble, which we have been making for a few years now, is simple and comfortable to wear.  Although the chasuble is unlined, it is made from substantial, not flimsy material, so that it hangs down well.  Around the neckline, on the underside of the chasuble is a facing, which causes the vestments to sit well on the shoulders.

Concerning the appearance of this vestment, it is intended to be a mixture of the contemporary and the traditional.  It is a long chasuble and reaching near to the wrists.  It is ornamented simply.  The colour of the ornament varies, but consists of two columns made from silk with a selection of the Studio's unique braids.

The Saint Bede Studio

In the case of this chasuble, the Studio's braid Saint George is laid upon pendants of vibrant red silk dupion.  These pendants are attached to the front and to the back of chasuble.

Each of these simpler chasubles is supplied with a fully-lined stole.  They are available in all the liturgical colours.

Please click on the image for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

Thursday 9 June 2022

Red vestments in Whitsuntide

The Saint Bede Studio

Presented in this post during the Pentecost Octave is the Saint Bede Studio's Saint Martin chasuble, which is our own contemporary interpretation of the ancient form of Roman chasuble.  These vestments are extremely ample, but not shaped like a sack and so they sit well on the celebrant, flowing gracefully and gathering in beautiful folds.  

Usually, we ornament the Saint Martin chasuble in the Roman style, being a Tau ornament in the front and a column at the back, formed from braids and contrasting damask.  The vestments can be made in a variety of qualities of fabric in all the Liturgical colours, and can be lined or  unlined. 

Red vestments

This particular set of Saint Martin vestments, made for a returning customer, are quite simple in design, but splendid in appearance. A rich-red shade of dupion silk  was used for the ground fabric, with a strongly-contrasting lining in blue taffeta.  Untypically, the vestments are ornamented in the Gothic manner, rather than the Roman manner, with one of the Studio's unique braids Saint Chad, a design directly based on the work of AWN Pugin.

Please click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

The Saint Bede Studio

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Vestments in the style "Saint Philip Neri"

Saint Philip Neri vestments
Presented in this post is The Saint Bede Studio's own interpretation of that style of chasuble commonly found in Italy in the 16th and early 17th centuries, and often depicted in representations of Saint Philip Neri. It is the chasuble known to the Council of Trent and its Popes. 

Such chasubles are of moderate length, but reaching only to the elbows. The ornamentation of these vestments is arranged in the Roman style, being a Tau ornament in the front and a column at the back. This vestment has become very popular with those priests who like the Roman style, but do not feel comfortable in that unhappy form of chasuble nick-named The Fiddleback. The Saint Philip Neri chasuble is made by the Studio in a variety of fabric qualities, in all the Liturgical colours and is fully-lined.

Saint Philip Neri vestments

This particular set of vestments was made for a customer in the United Kingdom.  There were made from a brocade of pure silk in a muted shade of gold.   A silk brocade in colours of terracotta and old gold was used to ornament the vestments, outlined in the Roman manner with a braid straw-gold in colour.  The lining was of red taffeta.

Please click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

Saint Philip Neri vestments

Saint Philip Neri vestments

Monday 6 June 2022

Purchasing Quality Vestments in times of Fiscal Constraint

Good-quality vestments, especially if they are handmade and use silk fabrics, are quite costly.  Indeed, they always have been.  Some years ago, on a website, was found a strategy for being able to afford a vestment which seems too expensive.  It may be useful for readers.  It goes something like this...

Father had his heart set on a particular set of vestments, but didn't have the money to purchase them. The Parish had many commitments and could not justify making such a purchase. But the Parish did buy them and then they were put on display in the Church, with this sign:

"These new vestments were recently purchased. When we have raised enough money to cover their cost, they will be used at the Altar.  Until then, they are only for display."

It didn't take too long for the money to be raised for the vestments to be used for Mass and more besides; in fact, enough for another set to be purchased! The Parish loves the vestments and loves to see Father wearing them for Mass.

There is another facet of this story which many priests will be familiar with : the Faithful appreciate being asked to contribute to the beautification of their Parish church and its Sacred Liturgy. After all, it is the Faithful who look at the vestments worn by the priest. Is it not natural to wish to look at things of beauty?

Enquiries with the Saint Bede StudioThis page. 

Saturday 4 June 2022

Whitsunday 2022

The Saint Bede Studio
On this Whitsunday, we wish to feature this set of red vestments, completed for a returning Canadian customer, in the Saint Philip Neri style.

The vestments are extremely simple in design, but glowing in appearance, flame-like. A red and straw-coloured ecclesiastical brocade was used for these vestments, ornamented in the Roman manner with an old braid in colours of straw-gold and red and lined in red taffeta.

Please click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries :

Saint Philip Neri vestments

Red vestments

The Saint Bede Studio

Saint Philip Neri vestments

Thursday 2 June 2022

On the Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

Regnans gloriose

Almighty God, we pray for your servant Elizabeth our Queen, 
now by your mercy reigning over us. 
Adorn her yet more with every virtue, remove all evil from her path; 
that with all the Royal family she may come in grace to you, who are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen.