Thursday 28 February 2019

Hymn to Our Lady Help of Christians

A 20th century Australian hymn to Our Lady, Help of Christians

Shrine of Our Lady Help of Christians,
Miguel Hidalgo, Federal District, Mexico

Image : Enrique López-Tamayo Biosca
Help of Christians, guard this land,
From assault or inward stain;
Let it be what Christ has planned
His new Eden, where you reign.

Teach us that in Christ your Son
Lies the wisdom to be free;
For the Cross, which we would shun,
Is man's Tree of Liberty.

Should the powers of hell arise,
And our peace be trampled down,
In that night of blood and lies
Show us still your twelve-starred crown.

Take from us the coward heart,
Fleeting will, divided mind,
Give us sight to play our part,
Through the world around is blind.

Image of the risen life
Shining in eternity,
Glimmer through our earthly strife,
Draw us to your victory.

By Professor James MacAuley 
with music by Richard Connolly.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Australia's Pioneering Catholic Bishop

The Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Rev'd Anthony Fisher O.P., has approved the publication of a card commemorating the life of his predecessor, 

Archbishop Polding was the pioneering Catholic bishop in Australia, being appointed Vicar Apostolic of the entire continent in 1835, and subsequently Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan of Australia in 1842.  

Archbishop Fisher indicated that he wished to see devotion to Archbishop Polding spread throughout the Archdiocese, Australia and beyond.

Part of the commemorative card is shewn in the adjacent image.  Artwork for the card was carried out by The Saint Bede Studio.

Read more about Archbishop Polding and the history of the Catholic Church in Australia at our other blog In Diebus Illis.

Sunday 3 February 2019

Priestly Ordinations 2018 : 5

Each year, the Saint Bede Studio has the privilege of preparing sacred vestments for priestly Ordinands.  Happily, 2018 was no exception.

In this belated post, we are especially pleased to draw attention to the ordination of an Australian Father Namora Anderson of the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn.  Father Anderson was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in the Cathedral of Saint Christopher on 7th September last by the Archbishop of Canberra & Goulburn, the Most Rev'd Christopher Prowse.

Father Anderson commissioned a set of festal vestments from the Studio in the Gothic Revival style for his Ordination, in addition to a linen albe.  The vestments were made from a beautiful English damask in a shade of ivory and ornamented with Puginesque braids of the Studio's design, in colours of red, burgundy and platinum-gold.  The vestments were lined in a wine red-coloured taffeta.

Father Anderson supplied the photographs included in this post, which were taken by Giovanni Portelli.

Please pray for Father Anderson and for all newly-ordained priests.

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Please click on the images for an enlarged view.