Friday 24 February 2017

The Season "Per Annum" 2017 : 3

Green Vestments
The vestments shewn in the adjacent photograph were prepared for a young priest from the United States.

This chasuble, in the Saint Bede Studio's Saint Austin design, is made from an English ecclesiastical brocade and is lined in taffeta. The vestments are ornamented with an orphrey braid of the Studio's own design in colours of blue, gold and white upon red. This orphrey incorporates a monogram of the Blessed Virgin.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.


Saturday 18 February 2017

Puginesque Vestments

red vestments
A priest from Germany, a returning customer, commissioned these vestments made in the Gothic Revival form from the Saint Bede Studio. The chasuble (shewn in the adjacent photograph) was made from an ecclesiastical brocade in a shade of crimson red. The vestments were lined in royal blue taffeta.

The orphrey braid used to ornament these vestments is one of several which have been especially designed by the Saint Bede Studio. A chasuble designed by AWN Pugin in the collection of Saint Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham, was the basis for the design of this braid.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

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Thursday 16 February 2017

Contrasts : 7

Image :
Processions to Mass celebrated in the Extraordinary Form 
(above) a French Monastery,  (below) an English parish. 

Click on the images for enlarged views.

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Sunday 12 February 2017

Contrasts : 6

(Above) The Ladye Chapel of Downside Abbey (UK).
Image :

(Below) The High Altar Ottobeuren Abbey (Bavaria).
Image : The New Liturgical Movement.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Wednesday 1 February 2017

The Season "Per Annum" 2017 : 2

The set of green vestments shewn in the adjacent image was purchased as a gift for a priest.

The vestments are made from moiré bengaline also known as corded silk. The chasuble is unlined, but has a facing on the underside of the neckline to give a neat and substantial finish to the opening.

These vestments are in a beautiful, muted shade of green. The ornament is formed from a new orphrey braid designed by the Saint Bede Studio, being inspired by the art nouveau. The colours of the braid are red, green and white upon a black base.

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Click on the image for an enlarged view.