Sunday 30 November 2008

Advent "Blue"

At the beginning of this Season of Advent, a debate regularly emerges about the use of blue vestments. The use of blue has advocates and fierce opponents.

Exactly what colour, however, is being suggested as Advent "Blue"? Is it the same colour as the flowers called "violets"? If so, then using that colour in Advent is not only permissible, but is embedded within the Church's Traditions. Just over a year ago, I prepared an article about the history of the use of "violet" for vestments of the Roman Rite.

Click the links for Part One of the article and Part Two of the article.

Saturday 29 November 2008

Rose Solemn Mass set

The Saint Bede Studio has completed a rose Solemn Mass set for the Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta (Georgia USA). The vestments are made from a magnificent lightweight cotton damask, lined in deep green and ornamented with a braid in the art nouveau style.