Sunday 23 June 2019

Festal Dalmatic

Recently, the Studio completed this festal dalmatic for a returning customer, a priest of the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia (USA).

Our customer commissioned this dalmatic to match existing vestments made by the Studio in 2011 and seen at this post.

Enquiries :
Visit this page

Friday 14 June 2019

Whitsuntide 2019 : 2

The Saint Bede Studio
The Studio recently completed this set of red vestments (shewn in the adjacent image) which forms part of a benefaction to the Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury, Lewisham (Archdiocese of Sydney).  This historic church has recently undergone a comprehensive restoration and refurbishment, for which the Saint Bede Studio was a consultant.

These attractive vestments were made from a lovely ecclesiastical brocade in red and were lined in a  gold-coloured taffeta. The chasuble is in the Studio's Saint Austin style. The ornament is formed from one of the braids designed by the Studio, in colours of green and gold upon red, based on the work of AWN Pugin.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Enquiries : Visit this page

A section of the ornamental work designed by the
Saint Bede Studio for the chancel wall
of S' Thomas of Canterbury's church Lewisham

Sunday 9 June 2019

Now is the hour ...

An importance notice to our customers :

If you are an ordinand intending to place a commission with the Studio for 2020, NOW is the time to contact us.  Please do not delay, since there is only a limited number of ordinands we can help each year.

Enquiries :

Saturday 8 June 2019

Whitsuntide 2019 : 1

Borromeon vestmentsAfter some weeks, we are pleased to resume posts on vestments made by the Studio during 2019.  In this post, we feature a set of vestments made for a priest of the Archdiocese of Houston (Texas) USA in the Borromeon style.

The vestments were made in a rich red shade of silk damask and ornamented in the Roman manner with a brocade in burgundy and gold, outlined with one of the Studio's custom galloons.  The vestments were lined in a shade of bronze taffeta.

Enquiries : Visit this page

Borromeon vestments

Borromeon vestments