Sunday 26 June 2011

Priestly Ordinations 2011 part 2

On 5th May, the Rev'd Damon Sypher FSSP was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in Saint Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, by His Eminence, Cardinal Pell. The Mass was celebrated according to the 1962 Liturgical books. The adjacent photograph shews Father Sypher during the Rite of Ordination.

Father Sypher was ordained in a Saint Philip Neri style chasuble made by the Saint Bede Studio and presented to him by friends.  The chasuble was made of silver and straw-coloured silk damask, ornamented with orphreys of burgundy and straw brocade according to the Roman style.  The photograph below shews the rear of the chasuble.

A similar chasuble is illustrated here.

Please click on the photographs for an enlarged view.


Monday 20 June 2011

Priestly Ordinations 2011 part 1

Over the last 2-3 months, the Studio has been busily engaged in making chasubles for ordinands to the Sacred Priesthood.  At last we are in a position to post some photographs of the vestments that have been made.

Firstly, a set of vestments made for Father Matthew Hardesty of Kentucky, USA.  The vestments are made from an ivory silk damask, fully lined in gold dupion silk.  The orphrey was formed from a straw-coloured silk damask, alternating with fleur-de-lis emblems.

We are pleased to include a photograph of the vestments taken at the celebration of Father Hardesty's First Mass.  Congratulations, Father.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.
