Wednesday 4 October 2023

Priestly Ordinations for 2023 : 1

In this post, we are pleased to describe a set of vestments in the Gothic Revival style, which was commissioned by an ordinand from the United States.
Gothic Revival Vestments

These vestments were made from a lovely ivory-coloured English ecclesiastical brocade and lined in a muted shade of golden taffeta.  

The vestments were ornamented with one of the Saint Bede Studio's unique braids called Saint Edmund, directly based on the work of the famed designer of the Gothic Revival AWN Pugin. 

The appearance of this vestment is autumnal and cheerful, without being lavish. 

Please pray for all newly-ordained priests.

Click on the images for an enlarged view.

Gothic Revival Vestments

Enquiries : This page.


The Saint Bede Studio