Tuesday 2 April 2024

Paschaltide : 2

Festal vestments

In this Holy Season, we are pleased to present a series of festal vestments.

The chasuble in this post is made from a glorious silk damask in colours of straw-gold upon taup.  It has a wonderful, lustrous appearance.  Fully-lined in a shade of dark red cloth, the chasuble is ornamented with a damask in colours of old gold upon wine-red.  A galloon of burgundy and straw-gold outlines the TAU ornament. 

The chasuble is in the Studio's Borromeon style, which is the product of years of research into historical vestments and refinement of dimensions for comfortable use.

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

The Saint Bede Studio : vestments made by Catholics for Catholics.

Enquiries : stbede62@gmail.com

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