Monday 10 June 2013

Simplex Mitre

Recently the Studio completed a simplex mitre for an Australian prelate. This mitre, in the style of the 15th century, in 27.5cm (11 inches) tall and is made from linen. Formerly, two types of the simplex mitre were used by bishops: one made of silk and and one made of linen. These distinctions having been dispensed with, it is now even found that the simplex mitre is made from synthetic materials.

The simplex mitre is worn on the following occasions: in Liturgies of the Dead; on Good Friday; on Ash Wednesday; during Rogation Processions and when a bishop is amongst concelebrants at Mass. The simplex mitre of a Cardinal is made from silk damask rather than linen, and that of the Pope made from cloth silver, edged in gold braid.
