Wednesday 14 August 2024

The Season Per Annum 12 : our unique braids

In this Season Per Annum the Saint Bede Studio is pleased to present a glimpse of another set of green vestments, in the Gothic Revival style.

Green Gothic vestments
This set is constructed from ecclesiastical brocade in a beautiful shade of green, and it is lined in a shade of lemon taffeta. 

The ornament is formed from matching braids, one wider, one narrow, in colours of crimson and straw-gold upon a green background. This is one of the Studio's unique braids called Saint Edmund and is directly based on a design by AWN Pugin.  It features the sacred monogram " IHS ".

At the Saint Bede Studio, we strive to avoid the idea that the designation Ordinary Time is a reason to make green vestments which are non-descript, or lacking in inspiration. Although not elaborate, this is a beautiful and distinctive set of vestments.

Click on the images for an enlarged view. 

The Saint Bede Studio

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